Unlocked Premium
Showly offers real-time notifications to alert users immediately when new episodes of their favorite shows are released. This feature is particularly beneficial for ongoing series, allowing fans to stay in the loop and catch up effortlessly on new episodes without missing out.
Explore a vast array of new video content while enjoying trending shows in an exciting way. In addition to popular series, you can also discover unique short films covering various intriguing topics.
Popular & Trending
Find top-rated movies and shows that promise wonderful moments of relaxation, as well as impressive narratives.
Detailed Information
Get comprehensive introductions to the films you're interested in, along with all essential details presented in a user-friendly manner.
Personalized Recommendations
The app tracks your viewing habits and suggests a variety of related videos based on your preferences, expanding your viewing choices.
Showly is designed exclusively to help users monitor the progress of TV shows and movies efficiently. With this app, you can easily stay updated on the status of your favorite titles, ensuring that you watch episodes as they become available. Additionally, it enables you to mark off what episodes you've watched and keep track of when.
Showly is a contemporary movie-watching application that leverages open-source code and integrates with Trakt.tv service to provide users with relaxing entertainment moments. The app effectively tracks the progress of trending shows and enables you to curate your own gallery for easy future viewing.
To keep you organized, Showly offers personalized watchlists. This feature helps you manage your current viewing selections while keeping tabs on shows you plan to watch in the future. By arranging shows according to personal preference, users never lose sight of their favorite programs, helping them maintain an efficient entertainment schedule.